Thursday, 21 February 2019

Five Years

So you're probably wondering where I've been and why I'm finally posting after this length of time but today is actually my 5th blogging birthday and I really didn't want to pass this milestone without mentioning it. A lot has changed in the last five years blogging-wise and I just want to have a chat about what's been going on with me and my blog (this will probably be a very long chatty one so I'll try and not word vomit too much!). 
Dress & T-shirt (worn underneath) - Penneys 
First of all, it's my first post in 2019 so Happy New Year, bit late to be saying that now I know! I turned 21 at the end of December and was going to post 21 things I've learned, something that I do every year but honestly this year I've learned a hell of a lot in a personal sense. Most of these things were almost too personal to share since I do draw a line between my life and what I post online. Then I was going to do 21 things I want to do this year but honestly just didn't see the point and didn't think it would be too interesting.

I guess you could say my priorities have changed, especially in the last year. College has been incredibly insane to say the least and I barely have any free time to see my friends or have any bit of a social life so adding blogging to that list as well, it's just not possible. 
I've never seen my blog in my career path or it helping that in anyway like I'm going to (hopefully) have a career in science so it's never been in my head that I want to end up doing this as a job or use this to my advantage in a job setting like multi media or journalism for example. So it's not like I have to keep on top of it to enhance my career opportunities. 
All that being said, I still love doing it and I can't see myself not doing it. I still adore makeup and fashion and photography and creating content when I can but when you're in a lab or library pretty much all day every day in a lab coat or no makeup and a hoodie, I'm not in a position to take photos or write posts every day. But when I can take pictures and create content I will, I definitely still love posting on Instagram whenever I'm doing anything interesting or actually have time and the interest to take some photos. 
I never think I'll stop blogging completely especially since I still love doing it when I can and I genuinely can never see myself not sharing the new top I got from Penneys or the makeup I did for a night out on Instagram. I think it'll be incredibly different when I do have the time and energy to be creative but as I said my priorities right now have changed, a degree in science would be nice! Who knows what the future has in store for me especially for my online life maybe I'll pack it all in in a year or I could be back posting every week who knows. 

Five years is a long time like when I started this I was 16 and was a completely different person, I think everyone reading this has changed a lot in 5 years. So it's normal for things to change and evolve over a period of time and so has my life and goals and what I spend my spare time on. What I posted and how I posted was so incredibly different way back then which is hilarious to look back on but also so incredibly cringey like what was I thinking half the time?! 
I think the industry has changed completely too in the last 5 years which is insane to look back on. The dramas, the friendships, absolutely everything has changed and evolved and who knows what'll happen with the blogging world in the next 5 years. 
It goes without saying that I've met some incredible people through doing this and some blogger gals are some of my closest friends that I'd be lost without. I've definitely gotten some amazing opportunities over the years too like working with PrettyLittleThing, winning silver for Best Beauty Blog in the Blog Awards Ireland last year, the list goes on. But because I don't put everything into my blog I think it could have grown a lot more over the past few years and a lot more opportunities could have come up but I'm happy with the balance I have when it comes to life, college and blog and am incredibly proud with how far I've come and what my blog has helped me achieve in five years. 

I didn't want to miss this huge milestone of five years without saying anything and I thought it was important to let ye know what goes on behind the scenes and why people just stop blogging out of nowhere or don't post as much etc etc and my thoughts on the whole thing. And just to say thank you for some incredible support for five years I know some of ye have been there since the beginning and it means the world that you want to follow my little space on the internet. 
Who knows what'll happen in the next five years but we'll just have to wait and see.  
Thanks for everything, 
Ailbhe x 


  1. Happy 5 years blogging! It's actually amazing to think that most hobbies don't last five years, well plenty of mine haven't anyways! And it's wonderful some cool opportunities you got out of it.

  2. Happy 5th blogging day to you. keep going.
    Alterations galway
