Friday, 22 July 2016

Summer Blues

During the year when I wrote my blogposts in bulk, my 'Current Favourites' went up months after they were actually my favourite products. Because of this I now want to write about things that are relevant to my life as the post goes live. This week I was planning on posting an outfit here on my blog but that certainly isn't relevant to the week I just had. To be honest I had a fairly rough week, I've had worse but I also have had a lot better. So today I have decided to talk about my summer blues.

No, I'm not talking about products that are blue (although I took pictures of them because I can't really take a picture of my emotions!), I'm talking about feeling down during the summer. Now that it is summer more people might feel a bit lonely, uninspired or bored because of this sudden lack of routine. 
I just finished my Leaving Cert and it was a huge anti-climax. We all pictured freedom being full of nights out, adventures and blue skies but unfortunately it's not like that. Right after my exams I went straight into rehearsing with my orchestra and the rehearsals were followed by a week in Italy, and because of this my body still hasn't recovered after the gruelling exam period. My body needs rest but my mind wants to be busy doing fun summer things. I want to be doing more than I am physically able to, which is very hard to understand psychologically. Because of this I have been quite down this week. I want to keep my personal life personal but if I am able to help one person with this post, why not share some of my life with ye? 
Your friends might be away on holidays and others might be busy doing things with their other friends so most of the time you need to occupy yourself, which can lead to feeling bored, lonely or down. I am going to give you some of my tips that helped keep me busy and not feeling as down during the past week.
Solo Shopping 
Going to town by yourself can be quite daunting. What if you bump into someone you know? If you go for coffee will you have to sit on your own? Don't worry I promise it isn't as scary as it seems. This week I went into town by myself and took my time strolling around my favourite shops and I treated myself to some things I've been wanting for a while. I even went for coffee to have a shopping break by myself and I really enjoyed it. Retail therapy is a real and amazing thing!

If you follow me on Snapchat (ailbhe_woods) you would have seen the behind the scenes of my latest DIY. I decided to paint my dressing table white so I have been kept busy with all things painting. All those cool looking Pinterest things that you have wanted to make for ages, why not do them now? 
Visiting Family 
This week I have also visited my family. Seeing family always seems to cheer me up so I went to Limerick yesterday and I spent time with some of my family that I haven't seen in ages because of the Leaving Cert. Why not bake some cakes and share them with your family? Surrounding yourself with people you love really helps when you're feeling down. 

The Friend You Haven't Seen In Ages
Why not make plans with that friend you promised to see over the summer? Or if people are away on holidays just reach out and send them a message or a Snapchat. You'd be surprised how good is feels when you chat to someone you don't usually talk to.
I promise you that you are not alone in whatever way you're feeling at the moment. Before I wrote this post I read a fabulous blogpost from my friend Laura from LaceOnLipstick. She chatted about her recent struggles and it put such a huge smile on my face knowing that I am not alone when it comes to these feelings. You can read the post she wrote here
We all have different ways that we like to spend our time and cheer ourselves up. Just know that you are certainly not alone if you're feeling the summer blues,
Ailbhe x 



  1. I'm so so glad that my post helped, it made the constant deleting and retyping all worth it! If ever you need someone to talk to about anything at all just know that I'm only a message away!xxx

    1. Sending virtual hugs. Yah all that was definitely worth it! And I'm the exact same for you, we must definitely meet up soon!
      Ailbhe x

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Great post! Summer blues are all too real. I think you're spot on when you say it's because of the sudden lack of routine. What's your purpose during the summer when you're not in school, working toward your goals!? I love your tips for conquering summer blues! I love spending time at the beach with my girl friends as well as DIYing the day away!

    1. Since you have so much free time you have no idea what to do with yourself! Yah exactly thats the plan, relax and recover from the past year , chill with friends and do all things blog related! That sounds like such a fab way to help, I'd love to go to the beach but I can't drive yet so thats definitely something I need to start doing!
      Ailbhe x
