Today I'm going to do something bit different, and that is sharing 10 things about me. I usually stick to beauty and fashion blogposts but why not switch it up a bit. So here are 10 random things you may not have known about me.
1 I don't like hot drinks and before you say it, I borrowed my friend's coffee for that photo. I don't mind white hot chocolate but I leave it get cold before I drink it. I know it's incredibly strange, especially for an Irish person not to drink tea but there you go. A random fact about yours truly.
2 I have braces (that's a fairly obvious fact if you look at me) for four years (that's the interesting part!). Yup, four whole years. My teeth were in a zig zag pattern before braces and I did have other problems like having to get teeth out etc. But four years, and I'm getting fairly impatient at this stage and would just love to get them off soon. My friends that I've known before I had braces can't remember me without them and everyone else I've met after that have no clue what I look like without them. So yeah, braces for four years.3 I have two brothers. Niall is two years older than me and then Darragh is the same age as me, we're actually twins. Growing up together everyone knew we were twins but now since we're in different colleges no one knows I have a twin and it's always the 'interesting fact' I use when I need one. People ask 'Are ye identical?' Well he's a boy and I'm a girl so it's biologically impossible for us to be identical, but we do look fairly alike! Most people actually think my two brothers are the twins and not myself and Darragh. You've probably seen both of them over on my Snapchat at some stage.
4 Apart from blogging, music is actually my other past time. Before college I spent so much time in orchestras and lessons but this year I'm definitely not playing as much as I would like to. I play the viola and oboe. I started playing the violin when I was 5 and then switched to viola when I was 10 or 11. When I was 14 I started playing the oboe. So I play classical music and attempt to play some trad but I appreciate the other genres too. I've met some incredible people through music and most of my best friends I have met in some orchestra or another. I'm in the UCC Orchestra this year but I would love to be playing more often than I am at the moment.
5 All I want to do is travel and I have a very long bucket list that is full of places to go and things to see. My friend actually told me to put my bucket list as one of the ten things about me. Whenever I see somewhere online that I'd like to visit I add it to the list. I was planning on interaling around Europe this summer but since I don't have a job I won't be able to do that this year, but hopefully next year. If someone was to ask me what my life goal is I would probably say to travel to as many places as I possibly can.
6 I'm a chocolate addict and if I don't have a secret stash of chocolate somewhere there will be a problem. I think my addiction got worse since I started college (I blame you, Lauren) and I literally have to force myself not to buy chocolate every day. Lately Dairy Milk and Kinder Buenos have been my favourite. If I'm sad, buy me chocolate, if I'm happy buy me chocolate. Chocolate fixes everything.
Photos were taken by Emer in The Bookshelf.
7 Another thing I love is naps. Naps are incrieble and anyone who doesn't like them are obviously oblivious to how amazing they are. If I have a long day in college or if I'm going out that night a nap will keep me going. I think the love for naps runs in my family becausemy my mom and cousin adore them too.
8 On a Sunday evening you will find me buried under a pile of clothes doing my weekly outfit planning session. I will always outfit plan at least a week in advance for things so then I know I won't be playing the 'I have nothing to wear, I'm not going' card. If I wasn't to outfit plan for the week I would probably turn up in the same outfit every day to college, or else a hoodie. Planning your outfits makes everything so much easier for the week. I write what I'm going to wear every day for the week in a note on my phone and then there's no rooting through my wardrobe every morning or even the night before.
8 On a Sunday evening you will find me buried under a pile of clothes doing my weekly outfit planning session. I will always outfit plan at least a week in advance for things so then I know I won't be playing the 'I have nothing to wear, I'm not going' card. If I wasn't to outfit plan for the week I would probably turn up in the same outfit every day to college, or else a hoodie. Planning your outfits makes everything so much easier for the week. I write what I'm going to wear every day for the week in a note on my phone and then there's no rooting through my wardrobe every morning or even the night before.
9 I'm really into skincare and I will be so annoyed if you don't take your makeup off and have a skincare routine, not taking off your makeup is a bigger sin in my book. I recently found out that two of my best friends didn't use moisturiser, and they both have oily skin so not using moisturiser is obviously making their skin oilier. Don't worry I didn't stop annoying them for more than a week and now they both cleanse and moisturise. Having a skincare routine, even if it's just taking off makeup, cleansing, and moisturising is so important to keep your skin clean and in good shape. Even just to get off the bacteria and germs that have gathered on your face over the day. If you don't take your makeup off and don't have a basic skincare routine I will probably force you into having one, apologies in advance.
10 I apparently have a great memory when it comes to people. I asked my friends for a random fact about me because I had 9 facts, and 10 is a better number to have and this is what they came up with (well, and that I also have the tendency to fall down hills). I remember people's faces, hair colour and what they're wearing really easily. My class in college has 200 people so I'm guessing it's very handy when it comes to college. It also helps that I'm amazing at Internet stalking so I probably have seen your face in my Facebook suggested friends before, in the least creepy way possible!!
So there we go, 10 things you might not have known about me. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better,
Ailbhe x
Nice post! I love this idea of a post! I'm a chocoholic and I have started my own secret stash, I hope it doesn't get too big though.
Thank you gal! Join the gang, omg chocolate fixes everything. Can't wait for Easter with all the chocolate!!