Friday, 2 September 2016

10 Things That Make Me Happy

If you follow me on Snapchat you would know that I haven't been having the best week. I've had this blogpost idea written down for a while and I decided that today is the perfect time to share 10 things that make me happy. This list definitely isn't in order and there are so many other things that make me happy but today I'm only going to share 10 with ye. 

Whether this is listening to music on my phone, playing it or even better, listening to live music, music always makes me happy. Music in general has been such a huge part of my life since I was younger and it has shaped me into the person I am today. Music and songs can hold so many amazing memories and even hearing a certain song can remind me of the time I was dancing to that song with my friends or when I sang my heart out in the backseat of my friends car. Listening to my favourite song of the moment, going to a gig or playing in a concert always seems to put a smile on my face.   

I honestly think blogging got me through the last year of exams, orals and college applications. I would constantly find myself thinking about future blogposts and what outfit I'd shoot next. This summer I have done two blogposts a week and even though it was difficult at times and sometimes stressful, the feeling when a new blogpost has just gone live is truly incredible. When people comment on blogposts or on my social media saying they enjoyed the new blogpost, it makes me so happy and proud to think that I created that from start to finish. 
The Sky
Waking up and seeing a blue sky through my window (which rarely happens in Ireland), seeing stars at night, or watching an incredible sunset is just magical. I'm always so fascinated by the sky and how it can change so quickly. The fact that it can look so beautiful some days during a sunset and then other days it's just a grey ugly blanket on top of our world, it's so amazing.  I love the way my lips break into a smile when I realise that no one is in control of this incredible thing and it's another form of natural beauty.  
 The Beach
I think the beach makes me so happy because I don't live anywhere near one! If I did then I think I would be going for a walk on the beach several times a day. The sounds and smells of the beach are so refreshing and calming. I don't know what it is is about beaches but I just love them so so much and they make me feel more zen and happier than I did when I arrived. I am definitely buying a house that is right next a beach in the future. 
Family & Friends
Being surrounded by my family or friends always makes me so happy. Family are the friends we already have chosen for us and friends are the family we have to go out and find. The other week I was at my cousin's wedding and it was the first time in ages seeing all of my family and it felt amazing. Family stick by you through thick and thin and whatever happens to you they are always there by your side. Being able to spend time with my family always makes me feel so good.
I am so incredibly lucky to have such a great group of friends that have stuck by me, especially in the last two years. Even though we don't always talk everyday and sometimes weeks could go by without seeing each other, whenever we are reunited you can't shut us up! My friends are more like family to me and I am always so happy when I'm with them.

Pamper & Relax
Sitting down in the evening after a long day with a face mask, curled up in a blanket and an episode of Greys Anatomy is so relaxing and amazing (I just finished Greys Anatomy and I don't know what to do without it!). This is one of the two ways I prefer to wind down and relax.The other way is painting my nails. I always love to set aside an hour every week to sit down, watch some YouTube videos and paint my nails. I always feel so put together and unstoppable when I have a set of freshly painted nails. Even taking a few minutes everyday to pamper and relax keeps me happy and content. 
I love that feeling when I have just read a quote that makes so much sense and I get that warm, fuzzing feeling of happiness in my stomach. Sometimes finding a quote while scrolling through my social media can make my day so much better. These little mantras can put feelings into words or else they can motivate you like nothing else. I am constantly taking screenshots of quotes I see and writing them down because they are always bound to make me smile.

What can I say, chocolate fixes everything! I adore trying out a new restaurant, having friends over for dinner or even just spending an afternoon baking. Food always puts a smile on my face. I honestly don't know what else to say about it! Eating good food surrounded by good people honestly makes me so happy.  
Connecting With People
Connecting with people I already know in real life or connecting with people I don't know through social media makes me so happy. I love catching up with friends over coffee or even just sending someone a message asking how they are. There are so many people in the world to talk to and get to know. I've been so lucky to be able to have connected with so many fellow bloggers over the past few years and some of them I've even met in real life or are now close friends. Connecting with friends either old or new always makes me happy.
Doing Makeup
I find applying makeup is so relaxing and therapeutic. I will always give myself loads of time before I have to be somewhere to sit down and listen to some music whilst doing my makeup. I love trying out new products and figuring out which lip colour would suit the makeup better. Doing 'Get Ready With Me' videos on Snapchat when I am doing my make is also amazing and adds to the whole applying makeup experience. People would ask me why I wear makeup and I honestly do it because I find sitting down and doing it makes me so happy.  
Whatever you're going through just remember to keep your head up and focus on 10 things that make you happy,
 Ailbhe x 



  1. Nice post! I love this idea, it is nice to see what makes someone happy.

    1. Thank you Róisín! I always love seeing what makes others happy so then I can help and do little things to put a smile on their face!
      Ailbhe x
