Friday, 14 October 2016

Life Lately - College Update

I don't even know how to being to put the last month into words. College is as good as I thought it would be. It's like all the fun things in secondary school that you looked forward to happen on a daily basis. There's so much freedom to do what you want when you want and wherever you want. 

It would only make sense to start at the very beginning. So the day of orientation rolled around and we were all terrified little freshers going into a big lecture hall for the first time. We were told that day that we would probably stick around and be friends with the people we met on orientation and that is definitely true! 
That was the day I met my group of friends, some of them I kind of knew of them beforehand but never thought I'd become good friends with. And then other few that I never met before.

Every day I seem to pass or meet someone I know from school or music (my friends say that I know everyone but that's definitely not true!). You'd be surprised who you'd see strolling around campus and the people who you're friends with on Facebook, but don't really know them, that stop and chat to you for ages. 
I also met and talked to so many lovely people that I have and probably never will see again. I've met some like minded people at some of the societies I have joined and some people you just click with and it seems like you've known them all your life.
There's so much freedom in college to do what you want. It feels like you can do whatever you want and no one cares. Especially when it comes to fashion, you could turn up to a lecture in a dress and heels or a head to toe tracksuit and no one cares. It's so different to secondary school. Since I had a uniform in school, being able to wear my own clothes on a daily basis is amazing!
 Some days I'll wear a hoodie and jeans with my hair in a pineapple on the top of my head and other days I'll have a full face of makeup on with a really dressy outfit. I love the fact that I now have the freedom to do that. 
As I said earlier I have a group of friends (who would have thought!!) and we literally have nothing in common only our love for science but we get on so so well. I can't say I've been socialising with people in different courses much and I definitely haven't been out much but I know that as the year goes on I'll definitely get to know more people here. 

From what I have wrote so far it probably sounds like college is all fun and games but it's really not. I'm studying Biological & Chemical Sciences which is a very full on course with a packed timetable. I have lectures everyday at 9am until 1pm and then some days I will have a lab that is 3 hours long after that. Some days are very long and I'm not going to lie, they're hard. 
Luckily I don't have any assignments to do in first year but the labs make up for that. The lectures have been going well so far. They're all fairly boring and half the time no one has any idea what's going on but I guess it's like that for every first year. 
But because I'm studying something I love I don't mind standing for 3 hours in a chemistry lab or trying to get my head around some confusing physics chapter. Because my course has general modules in first year and we will be splitting into our preferred degree programmes next year, I think module and lecture wise will be much better in the following years.

The only thing I don't love about college is the fact that I'm not with Darragh. If you don't know, Darragh is my twin brother and we've been in school together up until now. Not going into college with him was real strange and scary at the start and some days I wish he was there to understand an inside joke or laugh at my stupid jokes. 
But I guess it's a good thing that we're in different colleges doing different courses. It means that we have separate friend groups and have stories to share every day when we get home. 
I've definitely changed so much in the past month, in a good way obviously! I've definitely come out of my shell a bit and will go up to random people and start a conversation. I'm also more willing to try new things and meet new people. I learned how to do my makeup in the car and I've also gotten used to being exhausted in a 9am lecture when I was out late the night before! 

In the past month I have done some incredible things and met some incredible people. I've honestly never been happier and feel like I'm finally able to live my life fully. If one month of college has been this amazing I can't wait to see what the next four years have in hold for me.

Make sure to follow me on social media to keep up to date with all of my college adventures,
Ailbhe x 

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