Tuesday, 21 February 2017

1096 Days

So it's been 3 years since I published my first blogpost and, if you think about it, that's a long time! I'm actually going to link it below because it's hilarious. I've definitely come a long way since then but I guess everyone has to start somewhere! On the 21st of February back in 2014 The Red Brunette was born. Every year I celebrate my blog's birthday because I'm obsessed with birthdays and it's an excuse to celebrate (although the celebrations this year will consist of an exam and a physics lab!).
This past year a lot has happened blog wise. I got a custom domain (if you're not into tech it basically means I changed from www.TheRedBrunette.blogpost.ie to www.TheRedBrunette.ie, which is a big deal to me!). I also got a blog design so my website looks a lot more professional and clean looking now. These things might be small steps to you but they're like huge leaps to me. 
I also met some incredible people through my blog. Take Sadhbh for example, I wouldn't have found such an amazing friend if it wasn't for my blog. I've also met some bloggers in real life that I look up to and others that I'm constantly chatting to online. I can't wait to meet more bloggers in the future because we all seem to get along so well because I guess we all have a love for blogging. I feel like I'm such good friends with some people that I haven't even met yet, I know it sounds like catfish but I promise you the blogging part of the Internet is an amazing place. 
Sometimes when things get tough and overwhelming, especially when it comes to college, I think well why don't I stop blogging, but I honestly couldn't imagine my life without it. I'm constantly looking out for new beauty launches that I can blog about and when I put together an outfit I love I plan to shoot it and share it with ye. I feel like it never gets boring because there are always new things coming out, new trends to follow, and more life events to share.
I'm much more confident when it comes to things, like I'll stand in the middle of a busy street to get a good photo or I have no shame Snapchatting. I think a lot more people have realised that blogging is a thing and respect it (well, some people anyway). I've met a lot of people that read my blog or love my Snapchats this year too, mainly on nights out and I love when that happens so much. It's so amazing to put faces to the names of the people you see supporting you. I appreciate the love and support so much. 
I think I'm actually known in my college course as Ailbhe the blogger. If someone doesn't know me they're like 'Oh Ailbhe the one with the blog' or, if I'm being introduced to someone new, people say 'Oh this is my friend Ailbhe she has a blog'. Which I love so much and find quite funny to be honest but I wouldn't have it any other way. 
Thank you to the people in my life who have put up with me blogging wise. For taking outfit photos for me, for letting me share our adventures on Snapchat. Huge thank you to my brother for proofreading every single blogpost, we all know my grammar isn't the best and I definitely don't have an A1 in spelling! Also, you've probably noticed my outfit photos have gotten a lot better and that's all thanks to Sadhbh, a blogger knows what another blogger wants in an outfit photo!  
Thank you if you have ever read one of my blogposts, liked a post on social media, added me on Snapchat or have told me that you like my blog. I wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't for ye. 
This past blogging year has been amazing with more milestones, new friends, and a lot more blogposts (since I've been posting twice a week since the summer). And as cringey as it sounds I can't wait for what the next year has in store for me. 
Jumper, Skirt & Boots - Penneys 
Coat - Stradivarius 
Bracelet - Alex & Ani 
Watch - Vintage Gucci 

If you want to embarrass me then check out my first blogpost, it's quite funny. 
Ailbhe x 


  1. This is so sweet ailbhe ❤️ happy blogger birthday!!!

    1. Thank you bud. A reason to celebrate soon!
      Ailbhe x

  2. Happy Blog Birthday! Your blog is only slightly older than mine. I hope you have another awesome year of blogging.

    1. Thank you gal! I think we all started kind of around the same time which is gas. I am indeed, Ailbhe x
