Friday 14 July 2017

Hang In There

Hey guys! Today's post is going to be an outfit one as well as a little chat about mental health, summertime sadness if you will.
I think during the summer a lot of people will have a dip in their mental health, even if you don't notice it. You're out of routine, don't have something regularly to do and don't see your friends. You're either bored out of your brain during the summer or working all day everyday. It's all completely normal. Friends are going on holidays to exotic destinations at different stages and you're there stuck at home, working and feel like you have no friends and want September to come quicker. Hang in there because you will get through the summer blues.

 But I think summer is a time that people can get down because it's so hyped up and you can't wait for the freedom but when it rolls around it's not all like its hyped up to be. Recently I've had a dip in my mental health and I maybe took more notice of it since I've dealt wth mental health issues in the past (I really want to do a blogpost about it at some stage, is that something you'd be interested in?), but I wanted to come on here today and chat to ye about it because everything isn't all sunshine and rainbows.
Take matters into your own hands, realise that you're not feeling 100% and do what you can to help it. Change what you can change if there is something in particular that's getting you down then do something about it. For me personally there was one standout thing that was dragging me down so I went and changed it and now hopefully everything will be ok again, don't presume things will get better by themselves.
Start doing a little bit of exercise even just go for a ten minute walk because this will tire you out a bit and make it easier for you to sleep at night. Also eat a little bit healthy don't rely on ice creams as your five a day, have a balance as this will help your body feel better. I know during the summer your sleeping routine is completely upside down but try and get it back to somewhat normal, this will help your mental state. On the sleeping note, make sure to get enough sleep but don't sleep too much because staying in bed all day isn't going to help you.
Find time for yourself, even if you're constantly working. You need you time to relax and unwind whether that's reading a book or pampering yourself a little. Do things you enjoy, keep up your hobbies and do the things you've always wanted. I have a summer bucket list on my phone and I constantly look at it and see what  I can do next. Meet your friends even though it's harder to do this during the summer you need to reach out and make an effort. You're more than likely going to miss them over the summer so reconnect now and again and chat to them to keep in contact, it's good to communicate with them.
The most important tip I have is to talk. Talk to someone you trust about how you're feeling because getting it out of your system and sharing with someone helps so so much. Talk to your family about how you feel, meet up with your cousins that you haven't seen in ages. Talk to your college friends that you haven't seen in months. We're so lucky that in this day and age we can constantly stay connected with people, when we finished up school or college for summer it wasn't a real goodbye we are constantly chatting to our friends and people in our years and seeing what they're doing. Don't look at other people's Instagram and think ugh they're having such a good summer, they're probably thinking the same thing about yours!
On to the outfit, this t-shirt that I picked up in April inspired this whole post. With my recent down I kept wearing this t-shirt and thought 'hang in there because its going to get better'. It's a lovely bright colour as well which is fab for this time of year (and since I never wear colour!).
I love layering during the summer because you never know with Irish weather it could be sunny one minute and lashing raining the next, that's why I paired my favourite denim jacket with it. I added some staple black jeans and to tie everything together I wore some black sliders that are perfect for summer and brought along my go to bag at the moment. I love it because it fits everything without being too big or bulky.
T-shirt - Pretty Little Thing 
Jeans - Topshop 
Sandals - Penneys 
Denim Jacket - Vintage 
Bag - Firoelli 
Watch - Vintage Gucci 
Bracelets - Alex & Ani 
Hang in there through the not so great days and remember you are the only person who can make your summer good, not your friends or family, you. So take matters into your own hands, pick yourself up if you've had a little dip emotionally and make this summer the best one yet.
Ailbhe x 
(This is all my advice from my personal experience, it may not work for everyone but it worked for me).

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