Tuesday 1 August 2017

Festival Face

Hey guys! So today marks the start of my two part festival series that I'll be posting this week. As you might know if you follow me on social media I'm going to be at Indiependence this weekend and instead of frantically trying to find internet down there I'm going to share the makeup I'm going to be doing over the three days with ye today and what I'll be wearing over the weekend on Friday. I'm sure I'll be posting some pictures on Instagram after the weekend and might do a catch up sort of thing on Snapchat but I want to take a break for the weekend to save my phone battery and just to relax and have fun with my friends. 
Festival makeup and fashion is all just a bit of fun and I know it's not Coachella I'm going to but I'm still going to make the most of and recreate some of the classic festival trends. I am going to be camping for the weekend and I don't want to spend all my time doing nice makeup by myself in a tent so I've created a few looks that are festival appropriate, easy to do and won't take ages to create. I'm going to go through those looks with you now as well as some tips that I have for when it comes to festival makeup.
All of these looks start with a simple light base that is quick to do, doesn't need a lot of products and of course most importantly will last the whole day and night. I started off with a primer so everything will last along with some liquid concealer that has a good coverage because more than likely I won't be getting a lot of sleep over the weekend. I applied my concealer first because I'm using a powder foundation, it lasts for ages, is comfortable on the skin and is very easy and quick to apply. It also means that I don't have to go looking for some water to dampen my beauty blender to apply my foundation with! 
I then went on to bronze my skin and add some highlighter because you can't do festival makeup without piling on a load of highlight. I then went for my usual brow routine that consists of filling them in with a pencil and setting them into place with a brow gel. To finish everything off I applied a few coats of mascara and a nude lipstick that will last and I won't have to worry about reapplying it or it wearing off weirdly. I then of course used a setting spray so that everything will last into the early hours of the morning. 
So now that I have my base done it's time to add some bright and colourful products to make me festival ready. All of these products I had already in my collection (apart from the lip kit which was only €4 from Penneys) so it just goes to show you don't need to spend loads of money to achieve festival makeup. You also don't need to be a professional makeup artist to do these. I personally found it really hard to create festival looks that were really colourful and wouldn't take ages to recreate with the products I already owned so I know these are really simple and are definitely not some of my finest work but it just goes to show that anyone can do them with what they already have.  
When you mention festival makeup to anyone the first thing they will think of is of course glitter. So I had to create a look around that! People usually just throw glitter on their cheekbones and call it a day but I wanted to do something a little bit different. 
I started by using my usual sticky notes to create a winged eye shape with some brown cream eyeshadow and put some multicoloured glitter eyeliner over the top of that. To add some more sparkle I packed on some loose glitter over the top of the glitter liner when it was still wet so it could stick. You could of course finish the look there but I wanted to add something extra and I did this using a sliver pencil eyeliner. I drew some stars on my cheekbone going up into my temple on one side of my face. It's something different to the usual glitter cheekbones. 
The second look is all about colour. I wanted to use some of the bright colours I had in my collection so I took the products that I thought the colours looked well together and put together this look. Don't be afraid to use products in other parts of your face for example using lipstick on your face or blush as eyeshadow (obviously be very careful with your eye area don't go putting lipstick in your waterline or anything dangerous and silly like that).
 So I basically applied some eye primer that is quite sticky so the pigment has something to stick to and then packed the blue pigment all over my lid, under my lower lash line and blended it into my crease. I then took this amazing bright orange lipstick and a small eye brush to put some circles over my brows. I think that once you use colours that work well together it really doesn't matter how or where you put them on your face, you can go mad as it's for a festival after all. 
One thing I would definitely recommend festival makeup wise is to make sure you have a mirror either in one of your makeup compacts or even bring an individual mirror, like one of those ones from Tiger or Penneys because obviously there's not going to be any bathrooms with mirrors to do your makeup in. You need to pack smart and be prepared because you'll be in a tent in the middle of nowhere after all. 
The final makeup look is all about metallics. I personally love metallic eyeshadow and the metallic lips trend was huge recently so I said i would create a look using some of my sparkly products. On top of the usual base makeup I applied some bright pink blush into the crease of my eye to make the gold pigment stand out more. I then added some green stripes using a cream eyeshadow for a bit of fun that definitely aren't symmetrical but they'll do! You could definitely do this look without the strips and add a brighter lip for a more toned down, not as out there look.
You definitely don't need to wear crazy makeup to look festival ready but it's all a bit of fun, you should always do what you are comfortable with and what you want to do. So there we go, the three makeup looks I'll be doing at Indiependence this weekend, I hope it gave you some ideas if you're going to a festival this year or you enjoyed reading it if you're not going to any. Make sure to come back here on Friday at 7pm to have a peek of what I'm wearing over the weekend. Until then,
Ailbhe x 

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